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Here you will find a number of articles on a range of subjects, including notes on cities in Genertela.



The City of Nochet - one of the largest cities in all of Glorantha, this huge port on the shores of the Mirrorsea is almost a world in itself.


Bagnot - a city in the Lunar occupied land of Tarsh and its former capital, a place of intrigue.


Towns and cities of Heortland and Sartar - notes on several settlements in these parts of Kethaela.


Karse - City of the Decadent and the most populous city in Heortland.


Aslak Solazar - background history for a noted trader, adventurer and worshipper of Lokarnos.


Cosank's tale - a tale of woe from an adventurer imprisoned.


Wanderheart's Letter - 


Liana's Tale


Thorklest's Reply


Vivamorti Tales - an Imperial Age tale of Vampyres




An Ode to Melisinda


Cold Wind Over Sartar


The Cold Forge


Spear of Yorocius


The Heninga




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